AGM – from the Chair of the Trustees

Cobweb Orchestra AGM with Study Day on Rimsky Korsakov’s Scheherazade
Sunday 20th October, 2-6pm
Northallerton Methodist Church Hall
73 High Street, Northallerton. DL7 8EG
To enrol, please click here
FREE TO ATTEND – Donations gratefully received

Hello Cobwebbers,

The AGM is fast approaching, and it would be lovely to have a few more people attend, particularly violinists and members of The Cobweb Orchestra, but no one is excluded. We’d love to see anyone and everyone!

As usual the AGM is based around a piece of music and this year, we’ll have the great pleasure of playing Rimsky Korsakov’s Scheherazade, directed by our brilliant Artistic Director, Mark Edwards. This really is a great opportunity to play a wonderful work and one that not a lot of amateur orchestras would play, but The Cobweb Orchestra likes to do the out of the ordinary and the extraordinary. Over the last 29 years we’ve got rather good at that!
The business part of the day, the AGM, will be held early in the afternoon and will be kept as short as possible, as we all know the music is what we’re there for. However, we do need at least 30 members to ensure the meeting is quorate so we hope you will join us! If any member is unable to make it, please can you reply to Lorna to send you apologies so we can keep a note too.

There will also be a raffle, and any prizes will be gratefully received. Don’t forget to bring some £1 coins to buy your tickets. Also, it would be lovely to have a few cakes or tray bakes for the breaks. If possible, please cut cakes/bakes before arriving. There will be the usual range of teas, coffees and biscuits. The AGM is a free event for everyone, but we still have payments to make for the venue etc.
Hence the donation buckets will be out and about, and we’d hope that you can donate to the value of what you think the day is worth. You can donate by card as our card machine will be there on the day, and you can also donate online to:
The Cobweb Orchestra, account no. 65560297, sort code 08-92-99, ref: AGMdonation.
Every donation, be it small or large, helps to keep our wonderful and unique organisation flourishing.
I look forward to seeing lots of you in Northallerton.

Sue Baker
Chair of The Cobweb Orchestra Trustees

Posted by Tracy Reed