Who’s who?


Chair: Sue Baker (Dipton, Dalston, Tebay, Tyneside)
Vice-Chair: Andrew Forsyth (Tebay, Dipton)
Secretary: Lesley Wearmouth (Dipton)
Treasurer: Samuel Baines (York)

Sue Baker (Dalston, Tebay, Dipton, Tyneside)
Paul Mills (Durham, Tyneside)
Silvia Orr (Spennymoor)
Emma Pearson (Tyneside)
Catherine Preston (Tyneside)
Megs Rogers (Dipton)
Lesley Wearmouth (Dipton)
Elaine Wilmore (Morpeth)

You can contact trustees via our website contact form.

Artistic Director

Mark Edwards became our Artistic Director in October 2022: mark.edwards@cobweborchestra.org.uk

Events Coordinator

Lorna Edwards likes to play her violin with us sometimes. She sends newsletters to players with information about events – Please sign up to our mailing list here using our online form.

If you don’t wish to receive regular emails, all newsletters can be found on our News page, and information about each event can also be found in our Events Diary.

You may wish to download forms to post to Lorna:
5 Valeside,
Newcastle upon Tyne.
NE15 9LA.

If you have any queries, please contact Lorna by email at events@cobweborchestra.org.uk or by telephone: 07534 675 820

Our feedback form can be used if you have any comments or suggestions about any of our events.

Group Leaders

You are welcome to attend any of our regular weekly groups. You may wish to contact group leaders first – they’ll be delighted to hear from you!

You can find contact details for our leaders on the group pages.

Kate Bredin (Morpeth)
Patrick Burnett (York)
Martin Budgett (Tebay)
Peter Gulbis (Billingham)
Andy Jackson (Tyneside)
Greg Pullen (Dipton, Spennymoor)
Tracy Reed (Durham)
Peter Wood (Dalston)


Our librarian is Ruth Tanner, who does an enormous amount of work in making sure groups and events have the music they need.


Please visit our Membership Page for infomation. For any queries, please contact Pat Fuller: membership@cobweborchestra.org.uk


Cobfriends is an independent voluntary organisation that supports the orchestra, and can provide financial assistance with the cost of attending Cobweb events.

Please contact Claire Wipat: clairewipat1@gmail.com

Website Administrator

Tracy Reed

Cobwebbers will probably know me as a player of clarinets of different sizes, and as the conductor of the Durham group.

Please contact me if you have any comments or suggestions for our website: tracy.reed@cobweborchestra.org.uk

Alternatively, you may wish to use our website contact form.