Dances – Vienna style!

Dance your way into the New Year (Vienna style!) with Mark Edwards
Sunday 23rd March, 2-6pm, St. Paul’s Centre, Spennymoor

Postponed from early January, we’re delighted to be running our Dances event looking at those famous dances you’ll have heard in the Vienna New Years Day concert every year. With a flurry of polkas, waltzes and marches, full of joy, excitement and positivity. Bow ties not required!

If you attended another Dances event in January, you can still take advantage of the ticket deal:
1 event – £13 member / £16 non-member
2 events – £24 member / £30 non-member (saving £2)
3 events – £33 member / £42 non-member (saving £6)
4 events – £39 member / £51 non-member (saving £13, one event free for members!)

Please pay by BACS using the following details: A/C: 65560297
Sort Code: 08-92-99 Reference: “DANCES/your surname”.
To enrol, please click HERE

Posted by Tracy Reed