
We have residentials in beautiful settings each year. Further information will appear nearer the time in our events diary.

Spring Residential 

Friday 11 April – Sunday 13 April 2025

Sedbergh School

Mark Edwards conducting in April 2024

It’s the highlight of the Cobweb year! This year’s 17th Sedbergh Residential will be exploring the theme of ‘Tales, Myths and Legends’. The repertoire will include: The Water Goblin – Dvorak, Danse Macabre – Saint-Saëns, The Snow Maiden Suite – Rimsky-Korsakov and maybe even  Til Eulenspeigel – Strauss. You can also expect a mix of leaders and special guests.

On the Saturday evening we enjoy cocktails and a concert party. The Sunday Morning Supplement may be something a little different, such as playing different instruments or a conducting workshop. People still find time to eat, socialise and squeeze in the odd bit of ensemble playing.

Accommodation at Sedbergh is in one of the boarding houses with plenty of single or shared rooms available. You can choose to be a resident with all meals provided or a non-resident with some or no meals. Due to increased costs of the School, the price for accommodation has had to increase slightly (2.3%).


£220 (single) or £210 (shared) for 2 nights full board.
Meals for non-residents (@ cost price) – lunch £19 (S or S); dinner £25 (F or S)
Music only £81 for all days. £13/£36/ £32 (F or S or S)
Non-resident (all meals exc b/fast + music all days) £160


Please complete the booking form HERE OR online by clicking HERE

Bank details – Name: The Cobweb Orchestra; Sort Code: 089299; Account: 65560297; Reference: Sedbergh

Please note: If anyone would like to attend but the cost is prohibitive, please contact Lorna, Mark or Cobfriends as we will be able to assist.

If you have any queries, please contact Christine Ball: or telephone 07905684537

Rehearsing Beethoven’s Triple Concerto with Trio Taliesin in 2019

Tackling Mahler’s ‘Das Lied von der Erde’ in April 2018

Autumn Residential

Emmaus Youth Village, Pemberton Rd, Allensford, Consett, Co. Durham DH8 9BA

Previous Autumn residentials have been at Ridley Hall and Shepherd’s Dene. In November this year, we tried somewhere new. The weekend still had the usual mix of mostly full orchestral sessions with time for some ensemble sessions in smaller groups, with some after-dinner entertainment on the Saturday evening, rounding off with the well-established ‘Symphony at Midnight’.

For any queries about future Autumn residentials, please contact Anita Arris:

With the saxophonist Richard Ingham at Shepherd’s Dene in December 2018


Foreign Trips

The orchestra has travelled to Bavaria, Hungary, Spain and Italy.

We had a fabulous week in August 2024 at Il Grande Prato  in the beautiful Tuscan countryside.

Thanks to Sue Baker for oganising the trip, Patrick Burnett for conducting, and Ruth Tanner for organising all of the music from the Cobweb library.