
Welcome to the Durham Group! Like the other Cobweb groups, there are players with different levels of experience, so please come and join us, whether you’re a confident player or a bit out of practice, or if you’ve never played in an orchestra before and want to find out what you’ve been missing. We enjoy a wide range of music and we’re lucky to have composers and arrangers in the group, so we try our best to have a part for every instrument and respond to requests from players for any favourite pieces of music.

One player commented:

Thank you so much for encouraging me to join Cobwebs. I don’t know whether I added anything to the performance, but the performance added something to my life.” 



Leader Tracy Reed
Time Tuesday
7.15 pm – 9.15 pm
Venue Merryoaks Community Hall
Park House Road,

Spring Term Dates 2025 tbc

First rehearsal Tuesday
Half Term break – No rehearsal Tuesday
Last rehearsal Tuesday

Fees preferably paid by bank transfer

Weekly £6 for members, £8 for non-members, £3/£4 for students in full-time education, £3 for secondary school children (13-18 yrs)
Termly payments: 10% discount
A/C: 65560297, Sort Code: 08-92-99, Reference: DURHAM/DATE/Your surname

Our group flyer

Please help us to advertise our group.

Click on the image to view the flyer.

Click here to download a PDF version.


Group Trustee

Paul Mills

More about the Durham Group

Our ninth Cobweb group was initially introduced as a beginners’ orchestra in Ludworth Community Centre. Please click here to read more from a regular player.

Since then, success stories have included taster days for beginners to try out different instruments, players passing grade exams, players from other groups coming along to practise a second instrument, and a wonderful concert in Shadforth Church in the summer of 2019. We moved to Shadforth Church for a larger rehearsal space due to covid in Autumn 2021. We blew the cobwebs off our music stands again on Saturday 27 May 2023, with old and new players coming together in our new Durham home, using arrangements with different parts to choose from so everyone could join in, including new and less experienced players.


Our project to develop The Cobweb Orchestra in Ludworth Community Centre in 2019 was supported by a grant from the E.ON Butterwick Moor Wind Farm Community Benefits Fund managed by Point North, formerly County Durham Community Foundation. Thank you!